Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Essay on Leaders And Organizational Culture - 995 Words

Leaders and Organizational Culture In today’s dynamic business environment leadership must understand the value and importance of their organizations’ culture. While it may never be formally defined, leadership must have a vision of their intended culture and a plan for creating and maintaining it. This vision will serve as the potter’s clay that determines everything from the dress code to the organizational structure. This paper examines two methods organizations can choose to create and maintain a healthy culture. One of the most powerful ways to create and maintain a healthy work environment is by cultivating the next generation of leaders to lead by the example he or she sets. Every generation of leaders is influential in molding†¦show more content†¦Countless times leaders operate on instinct that has grown from what they have seen in the past. What leaders see others do sets the stage for what they may do in the future. A leader of sound character will exhibit that character at all times.† (p. 7-13) The adage says â€Å"character is doing right when no one is looking.† That is the bottom line of leading by example, developing a character that will make the right decisions when no one is watching. This kind of integrity and character is indicative of most corporations’ culture. Corporate culture should also be reflected in the company vision, mission, and values statement (VMV). One way to change from a culture of individualism to that of enterprise first is to change the work environment. Balerdi (2007) says a corporate culture of conservatism and individualism results in a hierarchy that rewards status with space and walls. In a traditional office setting the grade level of the employee can be determined by the size and location of the office. For example, the lowest grade employee would occupy an interior office with no windows. The next grade higher would occupy an office against the outside wall with one window, the next grade two windows until the highest grade level would receive the corner office with two walls of windows. As the window count increases so does the floor space, size of the furniture,Show MoreRelatedLeaders and Organizational Culture1191 Words   |  5 PagesRunning head: Leaders and Organizational Culture. †¢ †¢ †¢ ..; †¢ . Leaders and Organizational Culture Prepared for There are many definitions of organizational culture. The most basic definition is an organization’s shared values, attitudes, beliefs, and assumptions on how members of the organization should behave which gives meaning to how the organization functions. 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